Market Status
The market status will show you the real-time status of our Indian market which will benefit you in your intraday trading to gaze in the right direction. Whether the sector is bullish or bearish, meanwhile if the sector is bearish or bullish you can also trade that particular index stocks index wise and by selecting the index it will directly open the total number of stocks in the index and you can select the stocks by sorting them by percentage size and then click on the script and it will directly go to open in trading view in which you don’t have to copy and paste the name, which will help you to save time and will help you to make
a decision asap.

High Momentum Stocks

Analyzing Multiple Variables In Live Markets Will Help You To Find the Best Stocks In the First 5 Mins As Soon As the Market Opens. Generally, These Stocks Become Day’s Highest Gainers Or Losers.

Eagle Eye View

A Quick Glance On Entire Market Looking At Which Sector Is Pulling Or Pushing The Markets Up & Down And Best Stocks Available To Trade In Those Sectors.

Volume Shockers

We also provide the highest-volume stocks list in which equity lovers can also trade that particular stock that is high in volume for that particular day which means big players are pumping or withdrawing their money in a bullish and bearish market.

OI Data

For future and option trading we do have our custom design in-house screener in which we are providing a change in OI data which will help you gaze the right activity of big players from the beginning for the correct trend by selecting the time range with total OI means you can also, be able to check the big player’s position on which strike they have created the maximum number of position the size which is generally used as support and resistance for both nifty and bank nifty.

Why Decode

With DECODE, you will be able to find the right trading opportunities which will give high returns.

Why TIV?

Because we as a TIV believe in lifetime support till the time you get the edge of the market. So that you can Trade like a sniper.


Although the information has been obtained from and is based upon sources we believe to be reliable, we do not guarantee its accuracy, and the information may be incomplete or condensed. All opinions and estimates constitute our judgment as of the date of the report and are subject to change without notice. This report is for informational purposes only and none of the stock information, data, and company information presented herein constitutes a legally binding recommendation or a solicitation of any offer to buy or sell any securities. The information presented is general information that does not take into account your individual circumstances, financial situation, or needs, nor does it present a personalized recommendation to you. Individual stocks presented may not be suitable for you.

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Our Mission

Our mission is to help every trader to minimize the learning duration and fast forward his/her journey to a consistently profitable trader with the help of our simple yet effective methods.


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